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Creep module inconsistent units

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:53 pm
by abdelm4
Inside creep modules, K_0 has units of N[-2]m[4]s[-1], and K_1 has units of N[-1]m[2]degK[-1].
Going back to (Di Luzio and Cusatis, 2013), the units should be: K_0 (N[-1]m[2]s[-1]) and K_1 (N[1]m[-2]degK[-1]), which are inconsistent with the microprestress equation.

Re: Creep module inconsistent units

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:38 pm
by zhouxinwei
The issue is redirected to the developers to clarify which units should be used.