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TetSolidList Generate

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:44 am
by rwendner
The TetSolidList generate commands are inconsistent with the HexSolidList generate commands.
Please adopt for the TetSolidList the same syntax as used for the HexSolidList.

The Prism command is not recognized, even though the command appears in the manual.
Then suddenly the manual switches to the command Parallelepiped, which works.
There is insufficient explanation in the manual regarding the use of Parallelepiped.

TetSolidList TetCube Geometry {
Generate {
Parallelepiped {
1 5 ; 1 3 ; 1 3 ;
-4. 4.
-2. 2.
-2. 2.

Something like the following would be consistent and easy to use
Generate {
Block {
Dimensions 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm
ElementsAtEdge 10 10 10

Re: TetSolidList Generate

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:07 pm
by zhouxinwei
Thanks for pointing this out. The "Parallepiped" format follows the convention used in an old mesh generator called Ingrid. I believe we wanted to implement the simplified "Prism" format consistent with the HexSolidList years ago, but it looks like we did not do it. We will implement this feature when we have some time, hopefully soon.

Re: TetSolidList Generate

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:14 pm
by rwendner
the current syntax has the following meaning:

TetSolidList TetCube Geometry {
Generate {
Parallelepiped {
1 3 ; 1 3 ; 1 3 ; // 1 nx; 1 ny; 1 nz ... number of devisions for each direction
-0.3 0.3 // min and max dimension in x direction
-0.3 0.3 // min and max dimension in y direction
-0.3 0.3 // min and max dimension in z direction

Re: TetSolidList Generate

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:28 am
by rwendner
Is there a command that specifies the units used by the Generate command?
If not, please add a command consistent with the other generators.

Re: TetSolidList Generate

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:12 am
by zhouxinwei
Thanks for the suggestion, a LengthUnits keyword will be added.